Here are all the photos from the opening that Tink took for us. They're also on Facebook. If you took any at the show please tag it with #mostimportantugly on twitter/tumblr/instagram so we can check it out! We would love to see them.

Tayler & I with our headlining muse Indigo, who came in her full lady vengeance makeup (I love this picture she took of herself).

It is nigh impossible to get all my favorite people in the same room together but this picture is proof it is possible!!!

Shot before the store got way crowded (but in a good way).
The Rookie crew came out also, and Shinji, and so many other people who are bright stars in my universe. I love you all very much.
Thanks to Paper Magazine for the shoutout on the show also -- ugliest art opening of the week, indeed.
Honestly I feel like a broken record saying thank you over and over again but I really am just so grateful. I'll talk more in depth about the show itself and the process that went into it at a later time. For now? I've got a lot of homework to do.