Today I visited my friends at Urban Decay for the afternoon with my cousin. If you follow me on insta -- still undecided if I'll keep it after the new TOS go into effect, are you? -- you'll have seen a few pictures already.

I'm wearing a Romwe dress (seen here), handmade sweater (also seen there), Rebecca Minkoff Mab Mini c/o, Bedazzled shoes from Nordstrom Rack (I can't remember the brand right now).

The Urban Decay offices are incredible -- Wende and the UD team designed it themselves from scratch really, including the color schemes, the chairs (custom made) and wall detailing. It's really magnificent. I didn't take many pictures because there were a lot of to-be-released products sprinkled everywhere and I can't spoil the surprises. Know that the upcoming releases are going to be rad, though. You can see pictures of the office on Refinery29 though.

The lighting fixtures in the Women's bathroom are the most perfect things ever? In case you were wondering, they were Alice & Wonderland themed.

When you enter, there are a few different displays. When I asked they explained it was because they want to see what displays look like before they enter Ulta, Sephora, etc so they can decide how to modify them. This is the UK display.

The wall mural in the bathroom hahaha.

The lighting fixtures and the chairs in general were my favorite parts of the whole visit.. besides visiting the product development area, the product closet and visiting the Hotbox (a really old UD product since discontinued, not THAT kind of hot box). We also went out to lunch at Pizzaria Mozza and had the most AMAZING desert I have EVER had --- still drooling about it. Will perhaps visit Newport Beach again just to re-experience.

Anyway, those are the photos I took that I can show you guys -- for your own tour you can visit the refinery29 tour link above though. I'll show pictures of what I grabbed from the product closet (thank you again for your generosity, UD) on powder doom, my makeup blog. Over the past few days I've been poking into stores with my aunt and fast accumulating new things to try, so maybe it will just be one big megapost of makeup and clothes!
See you soon.