I think all of these pieces are blog repeats -- I may have a vast closet but it's obvious what I'm into. The jacket was previously seen here. I've definitely worn this shirt before on the blog, but years ago... I'll be surprised if you can find the post in the dark and endless cave that is the blog archive. The velvet skirt is a find from Goodwill. I found some similar options for you though if you want your own. These frames are actually from Coastal, I got them for like $20 total with my prescription -- they're the brand Derek Cardigan if you are curious. I quite like them but I wear my vintage frames more.
Above photos by Kimi of Tan Camera, bottom one was using my phone and FxCamera (my current favorite app. So good.) The photos were in just a nondescript section of the park from the last post -- right behind a church, which is suitable for such a witchy outfit, I suppose.