Everyone is off at fashion week (including me, this is a scheduled post), but right now I'm totally happy going to class and chilling in my dorm for the time being. I will indeed be attending shows and reporting both reviews and backstage things and attending blogger brunches and photoshoots and whatever, but right now I'm happy being a normal kid. Fashion can wait until the weekend. The balance between being a student and being a "professional blogger" aka "making money off my blog and the opportunities I have gotten from blogging" ("pointless quotations") is often a very precarious one, it always involves sacrifices -- some that I am not entirely willing to make, and my parents are reluctant to support me when I do.
Real talk time: My parents never really liked that I blog. They've gotten used to it -- I mean, it's almost been four years now -- but they aren't the type to let me jet off to Paris for shows even when the opportunity arises. They both worked in fashion for decades before I was born, and they are quite jaded from it and would rather me not be in it, but I never really asked them for their support concerning it anyway. I have a lot of resentment towards them for not letting me do things when I could have, but I'm also grateful they didn't enable me to do stupid shit I probably would have regretted (movies, documentaries, tv series, weird book deals... believe me, I've been offered to do a lot of crap. I could have Snookie on speed dial by now.). I am thankful they would rather keep out of my business than have them become my personal managers, because having to deal with partnerships, and design, and collaborations, and writing prospects all by myself makes me feel like I have control over my identity. It's all me, you know? Not everyone can say that. And my parents, even if they don't exactly like the fact so much of myself is on the internet, they've learned to deal with it because I would still do it even if they forbade me, because I do what I want and that's how I've always been. I follow their lead because I respect them, but when it comes down to it, I go my own way if I believe in the cause.
I've been thinking about how my life has changed since the first time I ever went to fashion week, when I was like, 15 or so, and I'm thankful that I've grown a lot. Not just as a blogger but as a student and just as a person. I'm thankful people have stuck around and supported me through the changes this blog has gone through. I just wanted to say that before I go off being busy as hell. By the time you see this I'll already be at the shows, but whatevz. I hope you're enjoying my tweets from the tents.