This post has been like, three years in the making. I've actually had this outfit in my head since I first saw my favorite collection....I've just never actually put it on. I've had it since before the blog, but I never wore it until today. I hope you're into it, 'cause I am.

I decided to photograph it different than my other outfits, 'cause it's obviously a different animal entirely and is purely conceptional. I still used my d3100, but I wanted the photos to be really unapproachable and kind of weird and old looking. Different lighting changes everything! I like how it looks like someone took them on a bad film camera. I think it falls in the CDG aesthetic, don't you?
The Lumps n Bumps collection was like, probably the least commercially successful one Rei ever did.... but it's also arguably the most important one of hers in fashion history. It is kind of grotesque, and for that I obsess over it religiously. First ever fashion related thing that burned itself into my mind. Burned! I wrote one of my college application essays on it. It just taught me a lot, you know? You don't need to be pretty to be cool. It's ok to try really hard. It's fun to be alienating and creepy!!! Cuteness and approach ability are overrated anyway. I don't want cater to other people's expectations. The best place I've ever been was inside my own head, so I just pull out things from my imagination and hope for the best most of the time. And most of the time, it works.
It was pretty simple to mimic the look of the collection -- I just added padding using scarves and my crinoline! I could have added more bumps but I wanted to be able to move, sooooo. You can't see it because I didn't like most of the pictures, but the silhouette is exactly the same as the white look at the top of this post. I just rolled my crinoline into a ball and shoved it up my butt! Wait, that came out wrong. Not actually in......... but like, around. We're all friends here so I'm not oversharing. I think the look have been best with oversized binder clips for my jacket but I just shoved it inside itself to get what I was looking for.
I like how absurd it is. I like how unwearable it can be. It's nonsensical and kind of ugly but it's unforgettable and different and I am so, so happy I have a version to call my own, even if it's not the real thing. And this entire outfit cost me $15, instead of the probably like $500000000 original cost. I think I did good. Anyway, I hope you like -- or that you don't, and it terrifies you and makes you think. Either way works for me.
P.S I have an alternate photo set up on my tumblr, where i used "normal" lighting. It should be up at the same time this post goes up so you can check it out too.
P.P.S: thank you for the mention Refinery29! Much appreciated.