Happy International Lolita Day!!!

Lolita day is the first Saturday of every June. I celebrated a bit early mostly 'cause my cat died and I wanted to wear something really cute to make me feel better. I love Lolita but it's pretty much impossible for me to dress up in the style because it's so freaking expensive, like, one knockoff dress is pretty near the price of one of the main lolita brands and both are in the same price range as a CDG dress so obviously I'll choose the CDG. If you're disapproving of knockoffs, when it comes to Lolita, you pretty much have to STFU because buying designer lolita is neigh impossible unless you have $600 to spend on just one designer cutsew or whatever..... everyone buys brand replica Lolita, the original brands are perpetually sold out and too expensive. This isn't even a brand replica, this is just a vintage uber cute dress I got off ebay 'cause it fit Lolita style. I'm too cheap to afford even the knockoffs. >_>; Shuffles feet. I'm not a true lolita by any means, but it's fun to dabble in it when I'm feeling like I need a picker upper.

If you'd like to learn more about Lolita (no, it's not founded of the Nabakov book), you can learn more at Lolita_handbook. I researched and got into all Japanese Street Fashion at around the same time, I learned about BtSSB the same time I learned about CDG. TBH from what I've noticed, Lolita is dying out in Japan (this is what I hear from friends that live there and visit there) and I see less of it in streetstyle websites, but I'm not that surprised. A lot of awesome famous Japanese stores that sell specific (and pretty much necessary) brands have been gradually closing 'cause they don't have any government support. They're getting pushed out. Still, I heard this maybe a year ago so I do hope the situation got better.