Well this is kind of an outfit repeat but I didn't intend to do outfit photos today anyway. I didn't go to my morning class today (rebel!!) and decided to test out my new camera+lens combo.
Dress, necklaces, and scarf are from godwill, tights were a gift and the shoes are from online at 4.AM when I was in a very delirious state of mind.

This is the face I make when I think my camera is going to fall off my tripod because my tripod sucks. I am glaring threateningly at it as if to dare it to fall off apparently.
I am kind of irritated at the fact my camera (d3100) doesn't have a remote feature?? I looked for it but I didn't find any. It probably has one but I'm just too stupid to find it because I am pretty bad at technical camera stuff. I just do whatever really. It has worked out well enough. The d3100 has easier to use features than the d90 though, so I'm happy I got it. I dunno what the hell I'm doing when I use the d90. D3100 is much more friendly.

My hair has finally stopped bleeding color at the very least! Shit it only took a month. It keeps color well but I'm not using this specific hair dye again I think. Back to a lighter purple (and cheaper). I like Adore better than Special Effects.

Goldfish face.

Anyway I'm done. Gotta go eat food and watch anime and do important stuff like that.