(todays pictures were taken by my friend Valerie using my camera. Obviously she isn't very good at manual focus camera lenses but I like it) (this is my "are you kidding me why are you so dumb face btw)
Okay you guys. Let's get serious. Today is Lady Porn Day, and Rabbit Write asked me to participate. I don't talk about sex much on this blog (ever)? But I wanna talk to you guys about sexuality, exploring it, and sex toys. BECAUSE THESE ARE ALL VERY IMPORTANT AND YOU SHOULD THINK ABOUT IT! Also, dad, I know you read my blog, so if you don't want to be scarred, you should stop reading right now.
One of my nicknames is 'Sexual Santa' and I've been teaching my friends about sexuality and their body unofficially (and non physically!!) for a few years actually. I want to encourage people to be comfortable in their own skin -- and that means taking control of it. When my friends complain about never being able to get off with their boyfriend or that they're too afraid to learn about themselves, I have been known to send them a sex package filled with toys and lollipops in the shapes of boobs randomly.
A lot of girls I know don't really know how their body works, or they're afraid to explore it, or they don't know the anatomy of their vaginas (OMG WHY IT'S /RIGHT THERE/) and I think that it's incredibly important to not be afraid of your own body -- whether it what you wear, if you shave or tweeze or trim, or exploring your body so you know what you like or don't like for sex with yourself or others. I mean, sex is supposed to be mutually rewarding, right? But wayyy too many girls I know have had sex with guys just to appease them and don't actually orgasm or get pleasure from it because they don't really know what they like.
LEARN WHAT YOU LIKE! That means exploring your body, and maybe watching porn.
Porn in itself is a feminist debate -- but that is for another time I think. I don't watch porn much because a lot of it grosses me out and isn't realistic or it's just too hardcore but porn can be a really funny thing to watch because it's so bad and obviously isn't for female enjoyment (male gaze cough cough cough), and porn parodies like this crack me up:
None of these people are attractive to me, and they are typical porn fare I think. Bu this is funny because they make fun of all the typical porn cliches, which makes it amazing.
I remember this one time I came across this japanese fetish porn where the girls were wearing urinals on their heads....yeah.....that was scarring but I could not stop laughing for about twenty minutes at the ridiculousness. I have a very strange sense of humor ok.
Seeing as porn doesn't really 'do the trick' for me', I have been a big fan of sex shops for years -- not so much for the toys but the strpper shoes, but I DO pay attention to the toys!!! And since a lot of girlfriends I know are way too afraid to buy their own I usually buy some for them. The cashiers must judge me so hard when I buy like 4 vibrators at once and stripper shoes, but I don't really care. There is this big stigma about sex toys and it's kinda stupid I think. If every girl had a great sex toy I don't think there would be any problems in the world......