On the way to Walk for Choice / Rally for Planned Parenthood -- which we were hideously late for, because I had a blood test and had to sit in a waiting room for three hours because the American Healthcare system is fucking horrible and I would prefer to live in Canada bc they have an awesome system -- we ended up in like the most deserted part of New York City. It was freakishly empty. There were no cars or people and it was like, deathly quiet. I was honestly terrified we had walked into the Twilight Zone or something. I have never seen the city SO DESERTED.

So of course we took the opportunity to take pictures. I haven't had time to touch up my hair at all for the past two months so forgive heinous hair situation. It's weird though because I get more compliments on my hair with horrible roots and streaking than I do when I freshly dye my hair. I think it's people being nice.

Vintage dress, blazer. Peacock tights - on backwards because I was groggy in the morning and couldn't tell which way is which - courtesy of Modcloth. Sneakers are Nike I think. Coach backpack courtesy of Coach when I collaborated with them.
I would post pictures of Scott but he prefers to be faceless for his brand because he wants to be like Margiela. So, boo.

Anyway I have to finish my paper on Freudian dream theory and rewatch the Big Bang Show (GDRAGON 4EVZ) now. Bye.