I have not actually gone out of the house in like a week, taking these photos is the first time I have seen actual sunlight / bothered to change out of velour sweatpants (JUDGE ME I DARE YOU). Not my most /fav/ outfit I have worn recently, but I figured I should at least show you guys what I've purchased recently! The skirt and blazer are from my last trip to goodwill. I think I'm gonna hem the skirt a bit higher. And by 'I'm going to' I really mean "Make Mom Do it." I like the vibe of my outfits lately though, a lot more than I have in awhile. Creepers and hair in braids, gingham and plaids and awkward proportions are kind of excellent.
I hate taking outfit photos aghhhhh. I used to enjoy it much more but oh my god, my tripod is the most annoying thing I own. I wish I had someone to take photos for me like other bloggers have! PHOTOGRAPHER BOYFRIEND, WHERE U AT????? Just kidding boys are gross.

Anyway yeah my back hurts so I'm going to go drown myself in Lush bath bombs and pink bubbles in my bathtub now. Seeya.

Anyway yeah my back hurts so I'm going to go drown myself in Lush bath bombs and pink bubbles in my bathtub now. Seeya.