10 October 2010

pretty clothes pretty clothes this is an interesting title isn't it


Yesterday (or was it the day before? Time flies so fast I honestly haven't sat down for more than an hour this entire weekend) I went with Kat to the Manhattan Vintage Trunk Show. We originally had planned to also go to the FIT exhibit on Japan Fashion, but we spent so much time humping the pretty fabrics at the show there was no time to go to the exhibit before the museum closed. Ah well!

The Trunk Show was absolutely amazing -- I've never seen so much beautiful and well kept vintage all in one place. I'm taking a costume design and fashion history class so I spent a lot of time poring over the vintage pattern books and Vionnet and massive collections of old Chanel that were all around for research on a project I'm working on. Unfortch I couldn't take many pictures (it's bad etiquette at the show) but here are some that I did take.

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There was literally more Chanel at this fair than I've ever seen at the Chanel in Uptown Manhattan. Walls of Chanel. Booths of all Chanel. Chanel Chanel Chanel. Chanel is, as you all know, not my thing -- I was making keening noises at the vintage Comme on display -- but it was pretty amazing to see so much Chanel from different decades all lined up next to each other.



Totally obsessed with the twenties, it's probably my favorite decade in fashion. Vionnet was just coming in, meaning everything was still not yet cut on the bias of fabric and hung on the body rather than form fit for it. Lots of creativity and innovations to make dresses different from each other.

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It was a very long day full of camwhoring, so I've decided to break up the actual photosession I had with Kat from our visit at the show. More soon! We got pretty things that deserve their own posts, after all.

Note: you can click the last picture to be directed to the flickr lightbox, where you can see all the photos in better quality and larger dimensions.