FALL IS HERE GUISE. Or almost here... so stoked. Can't wait to go to some shows and grab some ideas for some diy's. Really looking forward to being able to wear layed black slips and orange tulle and plaid and orange necklaces and red stripes in the same outfit again WITHOUT MELTING! Fall is my favorite season and I can't wait to pull out all the stops again. Putting together an inspiration board for the first time in a long while is kind of like therapy. New season, new year, new ideas. I'm the kind of person that wears everything once, so having the motivation to finally remix items I consider staples (what, you don't think black tulle trenchcoats are a staple? you obviously don't have one) is really relaxing.
P.S Weardrobe reviews very soon! So pooped from unpacking. Dead.
P.S Weardrobe reviews very soon! So pooped from unpacking. Dead.