Heyyyy dudes, I'm not going to bother apologizing for my absence, 'cause technically I have not be internetz absent, just blog absent. I hate summer (no lie? teenager? hating summer? PHONE THE PRESS!) purely because even though I might have the time to think up some epic outfits -- albeit, all of my favorite outfits include a crinoline or hooker heels -- it's just too damn hot to wear them. I sweat like a pig, and yes you needed to know that, so pretty much even if I ended up with an outfit suitable for Rei or Uncle, I would

(my favorite LP! i love how his package is skillfully flashed out. I'm pro.)
- Have to sit in sub degree temperatures in my basement, thereby not showing my outfit to anyone, getting it dirty and also probably catch pneumonia
- Attempt to leave the house and thereby melt into a puddle of sweat and spleen, thereby ruining my outfit with blood and yummy juicy things like that, probably catch.... deadness
- I like using bullets and thereby! Thereby I say thee areth very swelllike yeeeeee octupi

Anyway if you follow me on twitter, which you probably do because I post on it more than blogger, you know that these shoes are the next giveaway! I have already sent out the winner packages to the previous giveaway so it's about time for a new one eh? It is actually between these shoes and the sneaker heels in the other outfit post, in orange, white, or hot pink, but I'm not certain the winner will have the shoe size available so yeah.
Anyway! I'm you know... testing the giveaway heels out, you know, making sure they're UP 2 PAR 4 U// but next time I get computer time I'll fill you in on the contest details! Hint: sign up for twitter!

In other news, I was in a few publications without really getting interviewed for them, but people email me about them so if you have seen them (I'm not sure what their called, but know that they're out there....?) can you just scan me the articles? This is to the Australian, Korean, and Swedish readers I think? Maybe London too?
Blahhh london blahhhhhh insert violent battle royale gif to fully explain my angst about not being with my wife and uncle blahhhhhhhhhh