So I have way too many clothes. I counted my red blazers -- just my red ones -- and I have 8. This is after I donated 3 to Goodwill. So I figured I'd give them to you guys.
I will be making gift boxes for readers filled with vintage clothing from my closet and/or the local vintage stores I go to, jewelery, and inspiration. You can even tell me what you'd like the most in them; leather, pictures, etc. I'll try to make it work. For the most part however, they'll operate as my own version of lucky packs; you pay a set amount ($35 sound good, plus shipping?) for a box full of nice surprises.
An example lucky pack / pirates booty (not necessarily one I will be sending out);
vintage blazer, silk blouse, floral dress, vintage gloves, pearl headband, picture, vintage scarf

I do apologize for the "artsy" pictures, but in any case you get the idea right? If you have a blog, I'll arrange your pack to things I think you'd like so it's all good. Paypal only, durs. If you'd like one, email me with the following:
- Shipping Address
- Email I should send the payment request to
- What You Like (schoolboy blazer, patterns, blah blah. Don't be too specific, because this is going to be from my personal closet most likely so I can't magically make a floral three buttoned reversible jacket with silver lining for you....)
I'll ship internationally as well, for a higher shipping cost of course. So how does that sound? I'll make like 5 packs originally, to see how it goes. This is just a test run but I hope you guys like it.