Actually I really hope you have more self-restraint than the fourth date. Anyway. Hi guys! I'm not dead yet! Awesome, right?

Prada skirt, Hot Topic Leggings (I am in need of the AA ones, these fail), Cutesygirl shoes, Vintage Blouse & Vest

This is what I wore to school today. Note how I completely bite off Moohoop, and badly. I love you Moohoop. You are welcome to join the marriage between Tavi and I. Nigel Barker is our manslave, and Tim Gunn is our butler. It is a world in which Katie Holmes does
not get the H&MxCDG collection
before us (ASKJHSD?!), and in which my wallet is always full.

I have decided rather than compose blog posts in my head every day, I'm going to just post designers and non-outfit related stuff for you guys more often. I got out of the habit and there are so many great designers (ahem ahem Antoine Peters ahem ahem. hi dear.) I haven't yet introduced you all to yet.
oh hi mr. van beirendonck, and mr. beard
For now, I'll leave you with Walter van Beirendonck's
designs. They amuse me greatly, and I'm quite fond of the sheer pieces in the first look. Maybe if my Anatomy & Physiology teacher wore one of his designs last year, I would have paid more attention....