Dear Tokyo Fashion Week,
I fucking LOVE you. You are what made me love fashion. MY ONE TRUE LOVE. And you did not disappoint me.
JUNYA TASHIRO.I love it love it love it love it love it. Very on point with the gothic, victorian look that's going to be big in the fall... and a long time love. I want it all. It is, however, a bit too reminiscent off CDG's early 2000 FW show...still, I'd buy it all if I had all the money in the world.
Noriko Fukushima. Adore the pastel colors. It's so girlish and...pretty! I love the petal references. It's definitely a feminine collection...something I probably wouldn't wear it it were not for the petal like pleats and wrapping. It'd be cool to experiment with and boy up.
Support Surface. So clean and cerebral. It reminds me of aliens, actually. In a good way, of course. I love the pink dress and the necklaces. It's not entirely my style but the necklaces and the top/vest... yes please.
Aguri Sagimori. Not my favorite. I adore the bookmark jacket, but other then that.... meh. It's too blank for me. And the hair looks like she's hiding crack in her hair.
Kamishima Chinami. I love you I love you I love you.Ruffles? Yes. Shag? Yes. Odd Gareth Pugh black tile-esque things? I'll have several, thank you very much. Texture whores rejoice, for this is the collection for us.
Monotari Ono. See what I mean by the court dress / Victorian vibe of it? A lot of the pieces looked like they had a poor fit but I'm a sucker for ruffles and lace... it reminds me of Vampire Knight (hi weeaboos).
Fur Fur. ........ this would be excellent for camouflage in an overgrown garden or something. I am not a fan of the styling, it covers the clothes. Digging the blazer in the second outfit.
Ne-Net. Ok. No. I think the dress would be cool in an editorial... or just the top half. And the yellow top could potentially be interesting. But I really dislike it overall. D: Sadface.
AND SO MUCH MORE AHHHHHH ILYSM FASHION. You make me happy when skies are grey--or flourescent halogen, as I think of you in AP Physics... p.s OUTFIT POST SOON. I know you all miss my ugly mug.