28 July 2008

i don't want your big guns, i want brownie mix god dammit


My program went to a military base today and we played with robots and nonlethal weapons. I'm a regular assassin, yes I am. It's actually more boring than it sounds because the younger kids kept on pointing the sniper rifles at me.

Anyway, here's what I wore today. I've been watching angsty teenage rebellion movies too much, I swear to god. I only watch Robocop for the anarchists, I was never really into the clothes until now. And as for shopping... I need a purple tutu so bad I'm willing to spend all off my job money on the perfect one. Alright, not to that extent but 90% of it.

I was thinking of getting a two-piece crinoline skirt at one of the Visual-K stores online, or maybe a sex store but then I'd have to explain to my parents why they're getting a package from a sex store and that would be just awkward.

Example of awkward conversation:

Me: Hey dad can I get a tutu online? I'll give you the money to put into my paypal.
Dad: Sure, where are you buying it from?
Me: Uhm... Lingerie Diva......
Dad: So you've decided to become a stripper?

Even though these were a bargain pair of Cheap Mondays at the sample sale they're too long for me at 28/34 inseam and so the crotch is a bit odd. I'll probably sell them off on ebay with a bunch of other stuff in August when I have the time / lack of things to do.

Speaking of Velvet Undereground.... Mark Schwartz emailed me and I'm surprised I didn't know about his work earlier. Mark was a friend of Andy Warhol and his influence is evident in the artwork Schwartz creates, but Mark makes his own individual style. I'd fancy seeing more of his shoe designs as much as his paintings. Which reminds me, I really really want more shoes.

How wicked would it be to own thoses shoes? They remind me of Dries, but more whispy and dreamy. I am no Jane (Sea of Shoes) but damn if it wouldn't be cool to have these shoes realized...and into my closet.

I have brownies to eat. Kinda dry, fudgy ones but I like those best anyway. Have a great day my friends.