I'm falling in love, oh I am falling in love so fast....Antoine reminds me distinctly of h.Naoto (very popular, visual kei-like japanese brand... very Final Fantasy and awesome..) in the end statements, but some peices remind me of CDG, the bear bag most definitely. I am not lucid enough to describe my love right now but it's justs so clean, easy, drapey... graphic... and the approach to fashion is just so happy, not serious, you know? I adore that. It's not suppoed to be stuffy. I adore me some Jacob's businesss-fashion but I am always and forever a fangirl of unadultered artistic exploration first, business ventures second.
I'm falling in love, oh I am falling in love so fast....Antoine reminds me distinctly of h.Naoto (very popular, visual kei-like japanese brand... very Final Fantasy and awesome..) in the end statements, but some peices remind me of CDG, the bear bag most definitely. I am not lucid enough to describe my love right now but it's justs so clean, easy, drapey... graphic... and the approach to fashion is just so happy, not serious, you know? I adore that. It's not suppoed to be stuffy. I adore me some Jacob's businesss-fashion but I am always and forever a fangirl of unadultered artistic exploration first, business ventures second.
Antoine states: "I love to play with extremes and proportions in materials, prints, silhouettes and concept. By mixing or even merging these extremes I try to create something new and fresh. For this collection, it resulted in the ancient question of 'thick versus thin'. My whole presentation pleads for being fat, but with a slightly ironical tone beneath the surface. In fact I do not even answer this question – the whole point was a small fashion party!"Edit: AHHH you're more than welcome, Antoine. o_o I am glad you like my crazy and enthusiastic words. xoxoAntoine Peters is known for his A SWEATER FOR THE WORLD! project; a 2-person sweater with the goal to photograph as many ‘different kinds of people’ as possible wearing it. These big series of pictures with a weird fun collection of people show ONE world with different kind of styles, ages, points of view,values, religions and imaginations.Antoine Peters
I think it's love at first sight because the irony and fun behind it all. Serious, humorless people and I don't really relate so when you name a collection something like that you're bound to make me look into it. Yay for irony.
I have a scarf like the hoody dress thing... How I wish, how I wish it would turn into a dress over night..