But no. I spent it swimming HCIAA Championships. (Warning: my life and not about fashion, if you don't want to read it skip this paragraph.) I did come and break my personal best (29.1 seconds 50 free; school record in medley; 1st place 2nd place (2), 3rd place, but I wanted to do something crazy! Like skydive into a pool of jello! I'm going to have to settle by making a bikini out of all the medals and plaques I've gotten this swim season. That will make up for it.
I realize I haven't posted my outfits in awhile, so here they are in all their mediocre glory.

The leather jacket was designed and made by my mother. Everything--the inside plaid, the cocker spaniel buttons, the cut--all chosen by my mother for me before I could even fit into it. I'm disappointed in how pathetic these pictures are, but at least you can see the jacket. It's definitely going to be a staple in my spring wardrobe, I love it to death.
Right now, I'm drooling over all the jewlery over at Paraphernalia, an online jewelery store specializing in seriously graphic jewerelery. I recognize the heart necklace from a picture of the Cherry Blossom Girl; but in truth I'm in love with bow (tie) necklaces just as much. Worn with a simple shirt and leather jacket, I can definitely see myself wearing them. It's all relatively affordable for jewlery too--$20+.

They have a variety of neclaces and brooches--animals, cameras, etc. It's all very cute.

The Sart does it again. Okay, maybe I just like this picture because she looks like a cooler version of me, slightly more hipster. It's the necklace that did it for me. Is this not love? I think I want to move to Paris and investigate if we were seperated at birth. Ignore the fact she's just perfect looking and I'm giving myself a huge amount of credit myself. She's just so cool.
Lately I've been paying more attention to shoes in part because I have blisters on blisters and I don't like to wear my favorite boots (my outfit above features them) down, especially because of how much they originally cost. My friend Therese had these gorgeous, stunning, insane pair of lace up boots that made me drop my bag of chips when I saw them. Which is saying something because my hands were turning blue from the cold during lunch.

Oh yeah. Work it. It pains me to know that these are only $13.99. Yes. Online. $13.99. I almost don't want to post the link to where to buy them, because I want them all to myself. But since I'm such a nice person, I guess I can sacrifice these. Get 'em here while quantities last.
While I'm at it, I'm going to make a collage of shoes, because I can. Just not tonight...my eyeballs might be bleeding from lack of sleep. Goodnight!
Ahh....and banners. I'm looking for a spread, it reminded me of hippies and spring and I can't seem to find it. Eh, I want to make a spring themed banner to lighten up the blog a bit. Any suggestions? Or should I leave it how it is? It's a bit dark.
Z....... tired. Good night.